Working procedure of fabric warehouse | Working Procedure of Fabric Store

Fabric warehouse is a crucial component of the production process. It serves as a storage facility for all the fabrics and materials required for garment manufacturing. The efficient functioning of the fabric warehouse is essential to ensure a smooth and organized production flow. In this blog post, we will discuss the working procedure for a fabric warehouse in the garments industry, highlighting the key steps involved in managing and maintaining the fabric inventory.

Received Packing List from Concern Merchandiser:

The first step in the working procedure for the fabric warehouse is to receive the packing list from the concerned merchandiser. The packing list provides details such as the fabric type, quantity, and supplier information. This information is used to ensure accurate tracking and inventory management.

Unload Fabric from Transport as per Packing List:

The fabric rolls are unloaded from the transport vehicle based on the details mentioned in the packing list. Warehouse personnel carefully handle the rolls to prevent any damage or mishandling.

Inventory as per Packing List:

Once the fabric rolls are unloaded, the warehouse team conducts an inventory check. Each roll is matched with the packing list to ensure that the received fabric matches the expected quantities and specifications.

Make Inventory Report & Swatch Card:

Based on the inventory check, an inventory report is prepared. This report includes details such as roll number, fabric type, quantity, and any discrepancies noted during the inspection. Additionally, swatch cards are created to provide visual references of each fabric type for easy identification.

Send Inventory Report & Swatch Card to Concern Merchandiser:

The inventory report and swatch cards are shared with the concerned merchandiser. This allows them to verify the fabric received against the order and address any discrepancies or concerns.

Perform Fabric Inspection:

Fabric warehouse is the receipt and inspection of fabric. When new fabric shipments arrive, the warehouse personnel check the received goods against the accompanying delivery notes to ensure accuracy and completeness. The fabrics are then inspected for any damages, defects, or inconsistencies in color or quality. Any issues are documented, and the necessary actions are taken, such as contacting the supplier or arranging for replacements.

A random fabric inspection is conducted on a 10% sample basis using the 4-point system. This inspection ensures that the fabric meets the required quality standards and specifications. If the 10% inspection fails, additional inspections are carried out.

Do the 10% Fabric Inspection Randomly as per 4 point System
If 10% Fabric Inspection Fail Than Do the 15% Fabric Inspection as per 4 point System
If 15% Fabric Inspection fail then do the 100% Fabric Inspection as per 4 point System
If 100% Fabric Inspection Fail Than Discuss with Concern Merchandiser & Senior Management & Take action

Shrinkage Report:

For cotton and denim spandex fabrics, a shrinkage report is prepared. This report determines the fabric's shrinkage percentage, which is crucial for accurate garment production planning.

Note: Make Shrinkage Report for 10% Cotton & 100% Denim Spandex Fabric If 10% Fabric Inspection Pass On 100% Fabric Inspection Failed Fabric Need to be Cut.

Take Action on Inspection Results:

Depending on the inspection results, appropriate actions are taken. If the fabric passes the inspection, it is ready for cutting. However, if the inspection fails, further discussions are held with the concerned merchandiser and senior management to determine the appropriate course of action, such as returning the fabric to the supplier or making necessary adjustments.

Prepare Blanket and Shade Band:

Based on the fabric shade requirements, a blanket is made by combining multiple rolls of the same fabric. Additionally, shade bands are created to ensure accurate identification and segregation of fabric rolls according to their shades.

Prepare Bin Cards (Labeling and Identification):

After the fabric is inspected, it is labelled and identified for easy retrieval and tracking within the warehouse. Each roll or piece of fabric is assigned a unique identification code or barcode, which is recorded in the inventory management system. This labelling system helps in efficient stock management, inventory control, and retrieval of specific fabrics when needed.
Bin cards are prepared for each fabric roll, providing details such as roll number, fabric type, shade, and quantity. These bin cards are attached to the fabric rolls, facilitating easy tracking and inventory management.

Categorization and Storage

Once the fabric is labelled, it is categorized based on various factors such as fabric type, color, width, and weight. This categorization enables systematic storage and easy accessibility of fabrics. The fabric rolls or pieces are placed on sturdy racks or shelves, ensuring proper alignment and support to prevent damage. It is essential to maintain an organized layout within the warehouse, with clear pathways and designated storage areas for different fabric categories.

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is a critical aspect of the fabric warehouse's working procedure. An inventory management system is used to track and monitor fabric stock levels, including real-time updates on incoming and outgoing materials. The system helps in maintaining optimal stock levels, identifying any shortages or excesses, and planning fabric procurement based on production requirements. Regular stock audits and reconciliations are conducted to ensure accurate inventory records.

Handling and Preservation

Proper handling and preservation of fabrics are essential to maintain their quality and usability. Warehouse personnel are trained in handling fabrics with care, avoiding rough handling or contact with sharp objects that could cause damage. Fabrics are protected from dust, moisture, and direct sunlight by storing them in clean and dry conditions. Special storage considerations may be required for delicate or sensitive fabrics, such as temperature-controlled areas or specialized packaging.

Issuing and Tracking

As per the production requirements, fabrics are issued from the warehouse to the cutting and sewing departments. Fabric requests are processed based on the production orders or work orders received. Each fabric issuance is recorded, including details such as the quantity issued, date, and recipient department. The fabric usage is tracked to ensure accurate consumption records and timely replenishment when needed.

Quality Control

The fabric warehouse plays a vital role in maintaining quality control standards. Regular quality checks are conducted on incoming fabrics to ensure they meet the required specifications and standards. Quality control procedures may include fabric testing for colour fastness, strength, shrinkage, and other performance parameters. Any fabrics failing to meet the quality criteria are flagged and segregated for further action, such as returning them to the supplier or initiating corrective measures.

Reporting and Documentation

Accurate reporting and documentation are essential in the fabric warehouse's working procedure. Records are maintained for all fabric-related activities, including receipts, inspections, issuances, quality control checks, and stock movements. These records serve as a valuable reference for inventory analysis, supplier performance evaluation, and decision-making processes.

Fabric Delivery to Cutting Section:

Based on the requisition from the cutting section, the fabric rolls are delivered accordingly. The warehouse team ensures timely and accurate delivery, providing the required fabric for the production process.

A well-defined working procedure in the fabric warehouse is essential for effective fabric management in the garment manufacturing process. From receiving and inspecting the fabric to conducting inspections, preparing inventory reports, and delivering the fabric to the cutting section, each step contributes to maintaining accurate inventory records and ensuring the availability of quality fabric for production. By following a systematic working procedure, the fabric warehouse plays a vital role in supporting efficient and successful garment manufacturing.

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