SAM calculation in garment Industry with Example

SAM stands for Standard Allowed Minutes, which is a widely used term in the garment industry. SAM is a time measurement system used to determine how much time a specific task should take for a skilled worker to complete it. It is also a critical tool for determining the cost of production, planning and scheduling production and establishing production targets. In this blog post, we will explain SAM in more detail and provide some examples of its use in the garment industry.

SAM and Time Study

SAM is calculated through time and motion studies, which is a technique used to determine how long it takes to complete a specific task by a skilled worker under specific conditions. The time and motion study is based on the assumption that there is an ideal method of performing a task, and the time it takes to complete the task will depend on the method used.

SAM and Cost Estimation

The cost of producing a garment is determined by the time required to complete each task, and the SAM value is used to estimate the time required. The cost of production is calculated by multiplying the number of minutes required to complete a task by the labour rate per minute. This calculation provides an estimate of the labour cost required to produce a garment.

SAM and Production Planning

The SAM value is an essential tool for production planning and scheduling. By calculating the time required to complete each task, the production schedule can be developed to meet the delivery date. The SAM value is also used to determine the number of workers required to complete a specific production run and the total production capacity.

SAM and Productivity Improvement

The SAM value is an essential tool for improving productivity. By analyzing the time required to complete a task, the production process can be optimized to reduce the time required. The use of new technology, training of workers, and the adoption of new methods can all be used to reduce the SAM value, resulting in increased productivity and reduced costs.

Examples of SAM Calculation

Suppose a garment factory needs to produce a pair of jeans, and the time required to complete the task is determined through a time and motion study. The time required to complete each task is as follows:


Time (in minutes)



Sewing back pocket


Sewing front pocket


Sewing inseam


Sewing out seam


Sewing waistband




The SAM value for producing a pair of jeans is calculated by adding a percentage of allowance for various reasons such as worker fatigue, rest, and personal needs. Suppose an allowance of 15% is added to the total time. In that case, the SAM value for producing a pair of jeans is calculated as follows:

SAM value = Total time x (100% + Allowance %) SAM value = 51 x (100% + 15%) SAM value = 58.65 minutes

In conclusion, SAM is a critical tool in the garment industry used for determining the time required to complete a specific task, estimating the cost of production, planning and scheduling production, and improving productivity. The SAM value is calculated through time and motion studies, and it is used to optimize the production process to reduce the time required and increase productivity. By understanding the SAM value, garment factories can improve their efficiency, reduce their costs, and meet their production targets.

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